Film Clips

Why am I showing just a few samples of my work here ...?

Due to stricter copyright laws and complex data protection regulations, dubious cease and desist law firms and countless of AI-based web crawlers, I do not want to take the risks and go with just a few film samples here.

For references to my work, I refer to established platforms like Crew-United and imdb. For further references and information, please contact me directly.

A few short clips you can watch at the links below.

Film Clips 1 - Professional Work

Film Clips 2 - No Budget

Film Clips 3 - Film School Projects 

Film Clips 4 - Log-in
(password protected)

Film Clips 5 - Log-in
(password protected)

Film Clips 6 - Log-in
(password protected)

Film Clips 7 - Log-in
(password protected)